I don’t like cv, I think they don’t reflect who I am. With this idea in my mind, I created a personal website exploring new ways to explain who I am. I coach individuals. I help leaders to bring a more human approach to their workplace

My values
I see life as a wondrous mistery and I try to comprehend it learning by living experience by experience. Every people I meet, every problem I face, every joy I share… makes me grow as human being. This gives sense to my life. And I love sharing it with others. As a creative person, transforming ideas into reality is a pleasure for me, so I made up projects that contribute to the world in some way, always with beauty (I am sure that there is an essential beauty that transforms us) and efficiency. How can I help you?

Si tens una empresa, o dirigieixes un grup de persones i necessites organitzar una reunió, contacta’ns, t’ajudarem.