Artchimboldi Menorca

Recently we have created a new space outside the city, in Menorca island. It was the first school for girls in the village of Sant Lluís, built in 1900 and completly abandoned until now.

My goal and Emma Martí’s, the menorcan architect that I worked with, was a minimal, non-invasive intervention that would preserve the history, experiences, and soul of the space.

Downstairs we have a big room full equipped for meetings, with a big modular table, a huge blcakboard and a puffs area in front of the fire.

The upper floor is designed as a rest area. Based on Artchimboldi’s creative philosophy, I created eight sleeping cubes made of Flanders pine, two doubles and six singles, dressed with organic cotton and wool futons, linen sheets and curtains.




After fifteen years of hosting companies of all kinds in the Artchimboldi spaces, I have witnessed the evolution of the business world, from a rigid and hierarchical structure to more transversal systems whose managers are closer and promote values and team spirit.

Artchimboldi Menorca is born as a space to work, but also to share, learn and celebrate. It’s been created to be a retreat for companies, close to nature, designed to live together in harmony and under the same roof.

If you have a company or you have a group in charge and you need to organize a meeting, we can help you!